A cancer diagnosis or disease is usually associated with a major change in life and a deep incision in the lives of those affected. Even though cancer, thanks to state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatment options, often has no more fatal consequences than a chronic illness, patients and relatives can be confronted with a wide range of challenges that have never before been met. Starting with the medical diagnostic procedures up to the different therapies (chemo, antibody, radiotherapy, etc.), Much is new and unknown, like a strange and unwanted world.


These burdens can result in psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, anger, inner restlessness, sleep disturbances, etc.










Frequently encountered reactions occur in the following areas:


  • Mental state (anxiety, depression, self-esteem, helplessness)
  • Partnership and family (communication, role change, sexuality)
  • Disease processing (acceptance, active disease processing, values, self-discovery)
  • Functional disorders (consequences of therapy and side effects, neuropsychological disorders)
  • Social integration (withdrawal, social isolation)


Some goals of psycho-oncological support:


  • Support after diagnosis / relapse (psychic stabilization, mobilization of existing resources, reduction of anxiety symptoms)
  • Providing information (about the psychological effects of a cancer)
  • Concomitant supportive one-to-one conversations and interventions (support medical treatments, facilitate treatment side effects)
  • Mediation of relaxation techniques (deep relaxation, mental imagination, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation
  • Family support